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SUDOKIS is a Java program that only runs on computers (Windows, Apple or Linux). Cell phones and tablets are not supported.

SUDOKIS is executed locally on the computer, it does not need to be installed. It is a .jar file which is simply started by double-clicking. No installation is carried out on your computer. However, your computer can only start the .jar file if a Java Development Kit is installed.

Java Development Kit

There are various JDKs to choose from.

Oracle JDK The best-known JDK is from Oracle. Please note, sometimes links to Oracle do not work immediately, then please simply press the reload button on the page.
Adoptium OpenJDK There are a number of alternatives. One of the most popular alternatives is Adoptium from the Eclipse Foundation. Please make sure that the option “Associate .jar” is selected during installation.

Various other alternatives are available on the market, including those that do not need to be installed. If you choose an option where the JDK is not installed and the operating system therefore does not recognize the .jar extension, you will have to start Sudokis manually with a script. To do this, search for the bin directory in the JDK and start SUDOKIS with "java.exe -jar SUDOKIS-XX.jar"



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